About this visa
Young Canadians can apply for this unique visa if they wish to travel in Thailand for up to one year. If they also wish to work they must remember to also apply for a Thai work permit.
Participating countries
Thailand has made Working Holiday visa agreements with the following 1 participating countries:
If you are a Citizen of Thailand and are considering a Working Holiday experience in one of the participating countries above, contact the Embassy of the country in question for more information.
With this visa you can
This visa allows you to:
- Do multiple-entry travel to Thailand.
- Use for a period of 1 calendar year.
- Stay for a period of 90 days per entry from date of arrival to Thailand.
- Apply for work permit in Thailand.
- Apply for an extension (1 year) of stay in Thailand
- Open bank (savings) account in Thailand.
How to apply
- Normal processing time: NA
- Visa fee: Siam Legal Fee: 699 CAD + Embassy Fee: 180 CAD (to be paid to the Royal Thai Embassy in Canada)
The immigration authority in Thailand for processing Working Holiday visa's is Siam Legal.
Need more help?
If you are seeking advice about Working Holiday visa's drop a comment below and we will be happy to answer any Working Holiday & Youth Mobility visa question you have! We are travellers too! 🙂
What’s are the requirements? Age?
I am currently travelling through Spain and want to know if I can apply for a working holiday Visa in Thailand while I am outside of Canada.